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Undergraduate Programs
Summer Experiences

Students studying biomedical engineering at Washington University in St. Louis have many opportunities to engage in research through summer fellowships and competitions.
Find more programs on the WashU summer research opportunities webpage.
St. Louis Internship Program for Biomedical Engineering
The St. Louis Internship Program for Biomedical Engineering seeks to prepare our undergraduate students for the broadest employment opportunities in engineering & technology. WashU BME interns will undertake a 10-week internship in a technology sector located in the Greater St. Louis area. Apply here. This program is for biomedical engineering students at WashU.
Washington University Women's Health Engineering Summer Research Program
Students participating in the Women’s Health Engineering (WHE) Summer Research Program will be immersed in rigorous research skills training (e.g. critical thinking, literature reviews, and bench skills). The program will also provide the support, training and experiences students need to improve oral and written communication and prepare for graduate studies and careers in women’s health engineering. Each student will be matched to and supported by a faculty mentor and a bench mentor for the immersive research experience.
Washington University Cardiovascular Research Summer Program (WashU CardS)
The Washington University Cardiovascular Research Summer Program (WashU CardS) is designed to encourage undergraduate students from academic institutions with limited research opportunities to participate in cardiovascular research. In this 10-week program students will be immersed in rigorous research skill training (e.g., critical thinking, literature reviews and bench skills, like histology, PCR, ECG, microscopy, image analysis, etc.) and cutting-edge projects that advance the state-of-the-art in cardiovascular research.
Service-Learning Experience in Guangdong & Hong Kong (SLEIGH)
Together with faculty and students of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, experience real-life BME applications in hospitals/rehab clinics in China. Questions? Contact Prof. Shao at
Program dates:
Information Session: November 22, 2024 at 2 p.m. via Zoom. Register here.
Application deadline: December 1, 2024
Service-Learning Experience: May 13-23, 2025 (travel dates May 11-24, 2025)
Minimum GPA 3.0
Current undergraduate students pursuing a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering
Credit: Participants will be eligible to earn 2 credits in Spring 2025.
Estimated Total Cost: $3,855 (scholarships are available).
Washington University Summer Engineering Fellowship
The Washington University Summer Engineering Fellowship (WUSEF) aims to encourage the participation of exceptional students from diverse backgrounds in engineering research. Fellows engage in independent research under the guidance of a faculty member from the McKelvey School of Engineering as well as network with other undergraduate researchers from around the country.
Center for Innovation in Neuroscience and Technology Fellowship
Participate in a paid summer internship that brings together engineering and neurosurgery faculty and students. The goal of the Center for Innovation in Neuroscience and Technology Fellowship is for students to communicate with people from medical backgrounds to more effectively envision, articulate and implement ideas to improve the practice of neurosurgery. Students will work with neurosurgical and engineering faculty, other engineering students and a neurosurgical resident to design, draft and create the prototype of an original concept. At the end of the fellowship, students will present their design for industry evaluation at the corporate office of Stryker Corporation.
Summer Undergraduate Research Award
The Office of Undergraduate Research, in partnership with academic departments at WashU, offers Summer Undergraduate Research Awards (SURA) to financially support WashU undergraduates pursuing faculty-mentored research during the summer from all academic backgrounds except the life sciences.
SURAs are $4,000 for a 10-week or more research project. For research that is expected to last for less than 10 weeks, the maximum award is $2,500.
Skandalaris Center Summer Entrepreneurial Internship Program
The Skandalaris Center provides student engineers with real-world work experience and hands-on training in creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. The Skandalaris Center Summer Entrepreneurial Internship Program provides participants with paid, 10-week internships and weekly programming that includes tours of entrepreneurial areas, networking and panels.
The Washington University Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program (BioSURF) introduces WashU undergraduate students to research in the life-sciences under the guidance of university faculty mentors. BioSURF is modeled on the grant-seeking process, and students gain practical knowledge of research funding as they enter the research environment and network within the community of scientists. Students experience the process of research as a creative intellectual activity and gain a more realistic view of the opportunities and demands of a professional research career.
Center for Engineering MechanoBiology Summer Research Experience
The CEMB seeks motivated undergraduate students for its annual summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Students participate in 10-week, on-campus programs in Philadelphia or St. Louis, working in research groups at the University of Pennsylvania and WashU. Students are matched to projects within a research group based on their interests, educational background and previous research experience.