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Graduate Programs
Approved Courses for Masters of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Find a list of approved courses for students pursuing a graduate degree in biomedical engineering.
Graduate level courses given by other WashU departments and schools may be substituted for courses in these lists with the permission of the director of your program of study.
For PhD approved courses, see the BME PhD Policy Book.
ANTHRO 4598 (Anthro 4596) Biomarkers: Measuring Population Health, Reproductive, and Social Endocrinology | X |
BIOL 4040 (BIOL 404) Laboratory of Neurophysiology | X |
BIOL 4030 Biological Clocks | X |
BIOL 5352 (BIOL 4071) Developmental Biology (4Cr) | X |
BIOL 4181 / 5181 Population Genetics | X |
BIOL 4181 (BIOL 424 / 5241) Immunology | X |
BIOL 4270 Problem Based Learning in Biomedical Sciences | X |
BIOL 4310 / 5310 Biology of Aging | X |
BIOL 4381 Cell-Based Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine | X |
BIOL 4510 (BIOL 451) General Biochemistry (4Cr) | X |
BIOL 4581 (BIOL 4580) Principles of Human Anatomy & Development | X |
BIOL 4716 Advanced Cancer Biology | X |
BIOL 4810 General Biochemistry I | X |
BIOL 4820 General Biochemistry II | X |
BIOL 4833 Protein Biochemistry | X |
BIOL 5051 Foundations in Immunology (4Cr) | X |
BIOL 5053 Immunobiology I (4Cr) | X |
BIOL 5062 Central Questions in Cell Biology | X |
BIOL 5068 Fundamentals of Molecular Cell Biology | X |
BIOL 5079 The Science, Medicine, and Business of Vaccines & Drugs (2Cr) | X |
BIOL 5224 Molecular, Cell, and Organ Systems | X |
BIOL 5285 Current Topics in Human and Mammalian Genetics | X |
BIOL 5319 Molecular Foundations of Medicine | X |
BIOL 5352 Developmental Biology | X |
BIOL 5357 Chemistry and Physics of Biomolecules | X |
BIOL 5392 Molecular Microbiology and Pathogenesis | X |
BIOL 548 Nucleic Acids and Protein Biosynthesis | X |
BIOL 5488 Genomics (4Cr) | X |
BIOL 5501 The Biology and Pathology of the Visual System | X |
BIOL 5571 Cellular Neurobiology (6Cr) | X |
BIOL 5651 Systems Neuroscience (6Cr) | X |
BIOL 5663 Neurobiology of Disease | X |
BIOL 5665 Science of Behavior | X |
BIOL 5929 Experimental Cancer Biology | X |
BIOL 5940 Advanced Cancer Biology | X |
BME 503A Cell & Organ Systems | X |
BME 5300 (BME 530A) Molecular Cell Biology for Engineers | X |
BME 538 Cell Signal Transduction | X |
BME 5902 Cellular Neurophysiology | X |
BME 5909 Physiology of the Heart | X |
IPMS/PhysTher 5610 Movement Science III: Biocontrol Mechanics | X |
MEDPHYS 5060 (MED 505) Radiobiology (2Cr) | X |
REPRSCI 5000 Human Reproductive Physiology (4Cr) | X |
BME 5400/4400 (BME 440) Biomedical Data Science | X |
BME 5700 (BME 570) Mathematics of Image Science | X |
BME 5912 Applied Mathematics for Biomedical Sciences | X |
BME 593 Computational Methods for Inverse Problems | X |
CLNV 5151 (CNLV 524) Intermediate Statistics for the Health Sciences | X |
ESE 5010 (ESE 501) Mathematics of Modern Eng. I | X |
ESE 5020 (ESE 502) Mathematics of Modern Eng. II | X |
MATH 4540 (ESE 517 or MATH 415) Partial Differential Equations | X |
ESE 5200 (ESE 520) Probability and Stochastic Processes | X |
EECE 503 Mathematical Methods in Chem. Eng. | X |
MATH 4501 (MATH 449) Numerical Applied Mathematics | X |
SDS 510 (MATH 475) Statistical Computation | X |
SDS 4020 (MATH 494) Mathematical Statistics | X |
MEMS 5001 Optimization Methods in Engineering | X |
PHFN 5001 (MPH 5003) Biostatistics | X |
PHYSICS 5010 (PHY 501) Methods of Theoretical Physics I | X |
PHYSICS 5020 (PHY 502) Methods of Theoretical Physics II | X |
PHY 5027 Introduction to Computational Physics | X |
PHY 503 Advanced Math Methods for Physicist & Eng. I | X |
PHY 504 Advanced Math Methods for Physicist & Eng. II | X |
BME 550 Numerical Methods for Computational Modeling in Biomedicine | X |
BME 5913 Molecular Systems Biology: Computation & Measurements for Understanding Cell Physiology and Disease | X |
BME 5015 (BMI 5304) Introduction to Biomedical Data Science I | X |
CSE 4107 (CSE 417T) Introduction to Machine Learning | X |
CSE 501N Introduction to Computer Science | X |
CSE 502N Data Structures & Algorithms | X |
CSE 503S Rapid Prototype Development and Creative Programming | X |
CSE 504N Object-oriented Software Development Lab | X |
CSE 4102 (CSE 511A Introduction to Artificial Intelligence) | X |
CSE 5105 (CSE 515T) Bayesian Methods in Machine Learning | X |
CSE 5107 (CSE 517A) Machine Learning | X |
CSE 5403 (CSE 543T) Algorithms for Nonlinear Optimization | X |
CSE 5504 (CSE 554A) Geometric Computing for Biomedicine | X |
CSE 555A Computational Photography | X |
CSE 5509 (CSE 559A) Computer Vision | X |
CSE 5401 (CSE 541T) Advanced Algorithms | X |
CSE 584A Algorithms for Biosequence Comparison | X |
ESE 4170 (ESE 417) Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Classification | X |
MEMS 5515 Numerical Simulation in Solid Mechanics I | X |
PHEL 6005 (MPH 5139) Applied Machine Learning Using Health Data | X |
PhysTher 5110 Instrumentation and Measurement in Movement Science | X |
BME 5400 (BME 440) Biomedical Data Science | X |
BME 4710 (BME 471) Bioelectric Phenomena | X |
BME 474 Open Challenges in Systems Neuroscience | X |
BME 5190 (BME 519) Advanced Cognitive, Computational and Systems Neuroscience | X |
BME 5230 (BME 523) Biomaterial Science | X |
BME 524 Tissue Engineering | X |
BME 532 Physics of Biopolymers and Bioinspired Polymers | X |
BME 5330 (BME 533) Biomedical Signal Processing | X |
BME 537 Computational Molecular Biology (Algorithms for Computational Biology | X |
BME 4420 (BME 542) Biomacromolecules Design and Engineering | X |
BME 5430 (BME 543) Molecular and Cellular Engineering | X |
BME 5440 (BME 544) Biomedical Instrumentation | X |
BME 550 Numerical Methods for Computational Modeling in Biomedicine | X |
BME 5501 Translational Neuroengineering | X |
BME 5565 Mechanobiology of Cells and Matrices | X |
BME 559 Intermediate Biomechanics | X |
BME 5610 Protein Structures and Dynamics | X |
BME 562 Mechanics of Growth and Development | X |
BME 564 Orthopedic Biomechanics – Cartilage/Tendon | X |
BME 5642 Human-Machine Interfaces | X |
BME 5650 (BME 565) Biosolid Mechanics | X |
BME 5690 (BME 569) Cardiac Electrophysiology | X |
BME 5700 (BME 570) Mathematics of Image Science | X |
BME 5720 (BME 572) Biological Neural Computation | X |
BME 574 Quantitative Bioelectricity and Cardiac Excitation | X |
BME 5750 (BME 575) Molecular Basis of Bioelectrical Excitation | X |
BME 5771 Biomedical Product Development | X |
BME 5772 Biomedical Business Development | X |
BME 5780 Engineering for Women's Health | X |
BME 4790 (BME 579) Biofabrication & Medical Devices | X |
ESE 5820 (BME 5820) Fundamentals and Applications of Modern Optical Imaging | X |
ESE 5890 (BME 589) Biological Imaging Technology | X |
BME 5901 Integrative Cardiac Electrophysiology | X |
BME 5903 Physical Methods for Biomedical Scientists | X |
BME 5907 Advanced Concepts in Image Science | X |
BME 5910 (BME 591) Biomedical Optics 1: Principles | X |
BME 5913 Molecular Systems Biology: Computation & Measurements for Understanding Cell Physiology and Disease | X |
BME 5920 (BME 592) Biomedical Optics 2: Imaging | X |
BME 593 Computational Methods for Inverse Problems | X |
BME 5940 (BME 594) Ultrasound Imaging | X |
BME 5950 (BME 595) Drug Delivery Systems: Principles and Applications | X |
EECE 5190 (EECE 554) Molecular Biochemical Engineering | X |
BIOL 5014 Biotech Industry Innovators | X |
BIOL 5146 Principles and Applications of Biological Imaging | X |
BIOL 5147 Contrast Agents for Biological Imaging | X |
BIOL 5311 Dynamics in Mesoscopic Molecular Systems | X |
BIOL 5312 Macromolecular Interactions | X |
CSE 568M Imaging Sensors | X |
CSE 584A Algorithms for Biosequence Comparison | X |
ESE 4380 (ESE 438) Applied Optics | X |
ESE 546 Dynamics & Control in Neuroscience | X |
ESE 588 Quantitative Image Processing | X |
ESE 5932 Computational Methods for Imaging Science | X |
MEDPHYS 5010 (MED 502) Radiological Physics and Dosimetry | X |
MEDPHYS 5070 (MED 506) Radiation Oncology Physics | X |
MEMS 5560 Interfaces and Attachments in Natural and Engineered Structures | X |
MEMS 5562 Cardiovascular Mechanics | X |
MEMS 5566 Engineering Mechanobiology | X |
MEMS 5606 Soft Nanomaterials | X |
MEMS 5607 Introduction to Polymer Blends and Composites | X |
MEMS 5608 Introduction to Polymer Science & Engineering | X |
PSYCH 4450 Functional Neuroimaging Methods | X |
BIOL 5075 Fundamentals of Biostatistics for Graduate Students (2Cr) | X |
BMI 5005 (BMI 5302) Introduction to Biomedical Informatics I | X |
CHEM 5830 (CHM 453) Bioorganic Chemistry | X |
BHEM 5580 (CHM 555) Special Topics in Organic Chemistry: Introduction to Biomolecules | X |
CHEM 4511 (CHM 5511) Synthetic Polymer Chemistry | X |
DAT 5561 (DAT 561) Introduction to Python and Data Science | X |
IPMS/PhysTher 5610 Movement Science III: Biocontrol Mechanics | X |
MGT 5240 (MGT 524) Business Planning for New Enterprises (The Hatchery) | X |
MGT 5775 (MGT 577E) Launching and Scaling New Enterprises (The League) | X |
PHY 547 Intro to Elementary Particle Physics | X |
PHYSIS 5810 (Physics 481/581) Critical Analysis of Scientific Data | X |
PHY 589 Selected Topics in Physics 1 | X |
PHY 590 Selected Topics in Physics 2 | X |
PSYCH 4631 Introduction to Computational Cognitive Science | X |
PSYCH 8373 (PSYCH 5373) Neural Systems of Behavior and Psychopathology | X |